23 September
SOS HGS Bharatpur
NJRC, SOS Hermann Gmeiner School Bharatpur organized one day training on Thursday with the ultimate end of creating awareness about the disasters management in the school going children. Forty students from twenty schools of Bharatpur Municipality attended the training. The attendants were trained by the disasters management experts Amrit Adhikari and Kalpana Karki.
The training was divided in two sessions: opening session and training session. The opening session was inaugurated by the chief guest, Ratna Prasad Sapkota, the member of working committee Red Cross Society, Chitwan and coordinator of District Training Unit. Speaking at the programme, he applauded the activities of NJRC, SOS HGS and highlighted the importance of such trainings.

The Guest of Honour of the function and Programme Officer of Red Cross Society, Chitwan, Jagannath Neupane said that such trainings could contribute to create skilled and matured man power to manage any kinds of disasters i.e. reducing the effects of disasters before or after.
The Patron of NJRC and school Principal Ganga B Gurung, in his welcome speech, clarified the main purpose of the training and urged the students to gain knowledge about the right measures to be carried out pre, while and post the disasters and implement them in their lives.
Teacher Sponsor, Jagadish Dhakal thanked the District Chapter for the support and expected that the children would share the knowledge with their teachers and friends as they were the representatives of their schools.
Treasurer of NJRC, Ankita Paudel, in her welcome speech detailed the activities of NJRC SOS HGS.
The programme chaired by the president of NJRC SOS HGS was compered by Nepali teacher Mr. Laxman Bhandari . The school orchestra headed by English teacher Shiva Sundar Shrestha welcomed the guests with a song filled with the meanings of seven principles of Red Cross.